Where Business meets Culture

What determines our perception? What enables belief? What allows one person to believe in something so much that he can influence others? The conviction of one outweighs the beliefs of many.

What makes some of us great leaders, athletes, or business people? What allows me to continue to learn and grow as a leader is that I understand that I must be able to empathize with what the other person in the transaction is feeling.

Whether that person is my client, or on the opposite side of the transaction, my ability to empathize has been enhanced by my extensive knowledge of “the journey.”

The journey is mental, spiritual, emotional, and financial. It is the journey of coming from a scarcity mindset due to external influences, to then being exposed to a totally different paradigm of living. I decided that was the way I desired to live, deliberating and executing a plan to get myself to that financial situation.

I know what it’s like not realizing your worth, then executing and delivering for years. To look up one day and have a vastly different opinion. I welcome you all to come on this journey with me, as I have no intention of slowing down..

My goal is to help as many people as possible, along the way.

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